Since my "origami" idea had to be demolished due to the fact that it does not directly relate to a tree or nature I have started researching other items found in Nature that could lend to my conceptual framework. My reasoning behind the sea anemone has to do with the idea of many micro- organisms working together in creating what many to believe one creature, while in reality this "one" is made up of many.
Here is a little bit of background info on this water dwelling predatory animal.
- closely related to coral and jellyfish
- small sac with tentacles that contain nematocytes which contain the small vesicle filled with toxins known as actinoporins
- tiny sensitive hairs trigger cell explosions in flesh of aggressor
- have a simple anatomy
- host to the clownfish
images courtesy of www.teara.govt.nz/ + me!
This study of the sea anemone then led me to research coral which is very similar...
My reasoning behind using coral as a possible concept was that it like the sea anemone is a micro organism that lends itself to a larger picture and is constantly adding elements to a substance to create the big picture. There is a collection and release that lends itself to the basic idea I have been playing around with, with my ideas of wrapping a space within a space with color and texture.

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