These are some of my sketches starting to think about how ways of signage could change and adapt to the needs of the users here at NGMS. I am also working with my idea, which is not quite a concept yet ( still working on it), of wrapping + zoning and how they relates not only to the classroom and circulation spaces but down to the detail of the graphic representation of the signage.

This is one of my prime
investigations for my wrapping notion. This can be used for a unique take on
way finding and make the space dynamic in return.

This are some examples how zoning can take place within the classroom as well.

Explorations of
LEED signage options...

Preliminary sketches of a frame type structure for generic
flyer's and such that used to just be taped up around the building.

This was my idea for a concept that related to wrapping and zoning...
doesn't really relate to Nature so I think it will be back to the drawing board.

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