(sketch courtesy of Rachel Walker)
Rachel and I took a follow up visit to Miss Arnold's class on Wednesday morning March 25. This time we got to sit down and talk to Miss Arnold about her concerns about the space as well as the things she likes.
She felt like some of the challenges were:
- the classroom was a bit on the SMALL side
- there are no OPERABLE windows
- too much LIGHT
- the bookshelves are cheaply constructed of mdf. would prefer solid built-ins.
- plenty of STORAGE space
- all the bulletin boards
- neutral slate (she can add or take away color of the room's palette as she pleases)
I also noticed that she has a variety of methods that will enable to handle all the different ways that her students learn.
She rarely uses the physical whiteboard because she uses the overhead projector ALL the time. She uses all the technology that goes along with it like the digital, mobile white board and tablet marker. This way children can interact while keeping order in the classroom. They also do group projects together in the computer lab such as doing PowerPoint's with voice recording.
Memories from our visit on March 15...

Due to a sudden parent/teacher/principal meeting conflict we had to reschedule our meeting with Miss Arnold to the 25 ( images and notes from that meeting are listed above) So we visited Sierra's friend's classroom, did some sketches and took a few more photographs.
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