Saturday, February 21, 2009

what have i learned thus far this semester?

I have learned that even though we know that spaces effect the user ( because that's why we design spaces), we can look to research of particualr cases and methods to see how to either promote a certain type of learning or promote a certain teaching style. So not only will we help bring people into the space but their learning and skills will be enhanced because of that. I have learned that (or maybe it has just been brought back up and highlighted more than recently learned) that however long you are estimating being in studio to finish a project or task...multiply that by at least 3! I have learned that although it is not on my list of favorite things to do ( just being honest : ) ) reading does help in the design process. This book we are reading together as a class, " The Poetics of Space" has brought up many memories and has helped me relate many of my childhood experiences and memories to design methods and reasoning.

I look forward to all the things I will be learning in the remaining portion of this iarc semester.

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