Traditionally a lectern is a place to set notes, books/binders, and Bibles so the user could read them while standing in front of an audience while reading, teaching, and lecturing. Then came technology...Microphones, built in computers and monitors, projectors and overheads, and many more elements brought new meaning to the lecterns and the form followed those functions. The shape of the existing teaching station in room 204 is uninspiring to say the least. It has cords running everywhere and is a big mess.
Components needing to be incorporated:
storage, technology ( overhead projector, monitor, computer, microphone, telephone?), lockable, ADA, multi functionality, user friendly.
My Idea of a successful learning station should include the following elements:
*Appropriate Cables + Converters and a place to discretely tuck them away when its all said and done. It should also be able to be locked.
*Aesthetics should work with the functionality of the piece. [The piece that is located there now is too much of an eyesore]. This piece should look like it belongs in a design school. This piece is many times a "TRANSLATOR TOOL" in helping the speaker communicate his/her ideas to the audience. However it is very important that the piece does not compete or distract with the information being communicated.
*Mobility seems like it could be very beneficial in the case that the user would be presenting on the other side of the room using the tack able surface instead of the projector. This way the user can be closer to the information they are trying to talk about. However with the advantage of mobility comes the disadvantage of becoming easier to steal so there will have to be a way to keep it locked in the room.
*Lastly I think that this station should be more responsive to the user. Maybe it is more modular or mobile. This way it is more ADA accessible. The current piece is almost a hiding place from the audience. It is also a disconnect and a division between the presenter and the audience.
These are some of my initial sketches for the recreation of the lectern in room 204.

This is a simple sketch model I made which helped me to start to realize how this piece will be made and the strengths and weaknesses of the design.